Realist Trees

Sweet my earthly walk,
Hand in hand with You,
Silent my soul in awe
before the majestic view
Hearing Your Spirit's voice,
Discerning Your holy will,
All is at rest within,
Tomorrow is brighter still!
Oh, blessed Holy Spirit,
Wondrous Friend divine,
The joyful thought persists!
Perfect peace is mine!

Witness of Roses
One day I came upon a gnarled pine tree,
Wrapped in pink roses wild and free.
Summer’s blossoms lavishly bloom
Where few can smell their sweet perfume.
A pale crimson sermon before me lay,
On a country road that August day:
“Bloom where you are though few may applaud you --
To a weary traveler be an inspired view!”
So may my life bear flowers through Thee,
Creator of wild roses and the gnarled pine tree.

Sonora Afternoon
Mysteries and wonders of creation greet me
wherever I look -- wherever I be!
Open your eyes and you'll see too
the beauty that constantly comes into view.
If you're rushing madly to and fro,
you're bound to miss it though.

Silverwood Shadows
Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there
are pleasures for evermore. Ps 16:11
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tree paintings:
Abstract Trees