The Source of Inspiration

"Glory of Yosemite" Sold
T his is one of my favorite
paintings. In "Glory of Yosemite" I've tried to portray the sensation of radiant clouds hovering over Half Dome
below. Heaven touches earth in this scene from Yosemite National Park.
The Master Designer paints both sky and earth with
ever-changing patterns from moment to moment as the sun moves in splendor across the open
heavens. |
Click here to discover the source of creativity.
The source of my inspiration is the Creator Himself. He is the Master Designer! He made the entire
universe and all the marvelous creations in it - like clouds, trees, seas and all life. Without Him, our hearts
wouldn't even keep beating. In fact, they never would have started to beat.
Several years ago I experienced the symptoms of congestive heart failure. The doctor ordered that my heart be
monitored on a screen that showed each time a valve opened to let blood flow through. As my heart beat regularly,
it was awe-inspiring watching it.
It turned out that there was nothing wrong with my heart at that time except for an allergic
reaction to niacin.
However, I have the joyful assurance that when my heart stops beating, I'll be home with the
Lord! My assurance of going to be with God someday is not because I'm so wonderful -- far from it!
My heavenly hope is built only on God's great gift of His Son -- our Lord Jesus Christ. He died
to save sinners and to wash them from their sins with His own blood! But He didn't stay dead! He rose again from
the dead after three days! Forty days later he ascended into heaven and will return to earth again -- perhaps very
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New Birth
Encased in an icy tomb,
Shrouded by darkness and gloom.
Light enters my prison drear!
Hope rises to still my fear.
Oh, Lamb of God, because You rose,
I exchange my grave clothes
For immortal dress of glistening white,
Bought by Thee -- my soul's true light.
Trash Bin Treasure
Several years ago my husband, Bob, found an old electric guitar in the trash bin of our
condominium. He rescued it, took it to a local guitar shop where they put new strings on it and repaired broken
We discovered that it had professional tuning pegs on it that were worth around $100. Someone who
apparently had played the guitar professionally no longer needed it.
The future for the old guitar in that trash bin was not promising. It was bound for the dump to
be smashed to pieces and buried. But Bob had another plan for it.
When my life was headed for the dump, God picked me out of the trash, restringed me through His
grace, and is using me to make music for His kingdom.
Life Transplant
Dear Savior, You are my shield.
You protect me from danger.
My part is just to yield
to You Who reached this world
in a manger.
You created it long ago,
But as man you humbly depended
on Your father and oh,
Died on the cruel tree to take my place
and rose again
So I can behold Your face!
Now I rest in You
For Your life is mine,
And choose the eternal view --
The joy of always being with You.
Never mind what the world has to say,
Through Your resurrection life in me,
I walk where You walk today